Lincoln Learning Center pre-school, sibling and family photos are a go for next week. The coordinator has asked for an additional 100+ order forms! Everything is moving along nicely for this event. I still need to design and print up a gift certificate for a free photo session for the art auction on the 2nd night.
School is back in session and I am taking the Photojournalism class again accompanied by Elementary Algebra. My ideas for the final for my Photojournalism class so far are to document a youth theater from auditions to opening night, or document a radio DJ behind the microphone and in public.
I just entered my 3rd trimester and all is well. We are having a girl and will name her Amelia Rose.
My son starts occupational therapy for his autism this week. My oldest daughter was accepted into the gifted program at her school.
All in all, things are looking good. I pray they will continue in this upward direction.